I had planned to spend some of my Christmas break doing some blog planning. That didn’t happen, at least not to the extent I wanted, so it looks like I will be working on it this weekend. All was not lost though…I did work on de-cluttering the house. This is something that’s been on my list for months years! Of course we are not anywhere close to being done, but we did make a huge dent in it! The change IS noticeable!
However as far as the blog goes, I’ve written down some rough New Year’s Resolutions. I find if I write things down, I hold myself more accountable to them. I’ll detail how I plan to do some of these things later.
I plan to post at least 3 times a week. I think this is entirely do-able considering I think I was pretty consistent for most of 2013.
I’m going to attend 1-2 blog conferences. Now to figure out which ones…
To arrange a meetup of blog friends who live within driving distance. Tamara, Ilene, Stephanie, and I met up this summer…our plan is to do this again and include some others as well!
To add video to my blog. I don’t know why I keep putting this off, but I do. I just need to do it!
To use an editorial calendar. I’ve already got one all set to go…now I just have to use it!
To double my blog stats. I’d like to do more than double them, but I want to be realistic too.
To double my social media stats, most specifically Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest. I plan to grow my Instagram account significantly as well, but I need to do a lot more than double that one. However, I have a plan. Facebook I am less worried about, given the new changes there that are making things more difficult for “Pages.” That’s not to say I’ll be ignoring Facebook, but it won’t be my focus.
To be published elsewhere. I want to be somewhat strategic about this though.
To make my blog profitable this year. This is a big one. I put a lot of time into my blog, but it doesn’t generate much income at this point. As Tiffany from the SITS Girls says, be honest with yourself about your end game. Blogging is a lot of fun, but in the end, I need to generate an income. And I want to do it while maintaining my own voice!
What are your goals this year? How will you hold yourself accountable?
Monday 13th of January 2014
I think I may just tweak your goals and call them mine. hahaha! Great list and I know you will accomplish every last one of them!
Wednesday 8th of January 2014
I know you are going to rock out in 2014!
Tuesday 7th of January 2014
These are great resolutions! :) I especially love the idea of meeting up with other bloggers! :) It's a shame I'm not within driving distance of you! Good luck with the goals, Michelle!
Monday 6th of January 2014
Love your goals and know you will make them all happen!
Saturday 4th of January 2014
Using that editorial calendar is a must for me it's easier for me to keep up. I do all my posts on Sunday's and knock them out for the week. It helps that I have a magazine and I have contributors or I would be burnt out. You are welcome to guest post on my site at anytime too. Good luck for your future goals.