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SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party {Link Party}

So glad it’s Friday! You know what Friday means…it’s Party Time! We had 168 link ups last week! HUGE thanks to everyone who linked up! 

Your host & co-hosts are:

Michelle from A Dish of Daily Life
Sarah from Thank You Honey
Tess from Six Feet Under
We want to SHOW OFF and feature our favorites from last week:
I thought Lisa’s post was hilarious! Some days you need a good laugh, and you can always find one at Lisa’s blog! 
The Velvet Moon Baker was Cathy’s favorite this week. Peanut Butter and Banana Pudding are always good combinations! 
Ash chose Lemon & Lime Thyme as her fave. “It’s a Raspberries and Chantilly Cream Meringue Nests recipe. I saw this as a dessert for a party and was wondering what it was – so glad I was able to find it in this link up! :)”
Stacey loved what Squishable Baby  wrote: “I think it is something we should all remember and live by! Essentially we are all the same on the inside!”
Sarah fell in love with We Like to Learn as We Grow:  “I think this is the cutest cake for a little one!  The recipe looks super easy and fun to make.  My little dude would absolutely love it.  It will be a perfect summertime activity for us!” 
Mother nature can be a AHEM! Jessica totally agrees with Being Reese on this one :). 
Do you have 10 minutes for your children? Life as Mumma Walker thinks we can find some time! 
Popsicles for breakfast? Of course!!! Check this recipe out from Caramel Potatoes
Congratulations to all our featured bloggers!! If you were featured, grab a badge and SHOW OFF to your readers:
Show Of Feature Button photo featuredblogbutton.jpg
Also congratulations to Maggie!!!
She won our Whimiscal Peacock Giveaway from last week
And… Check back with us tomorrow at 5pm CST when we announce a giveaway with Escape Monthly
Ready to party? I am!! Here’s a few guidelines: 
  • Link up your favorite posts. It doesn’t matter which one, but it needs to be family friendly! 
  • Follow your host (The Wondering Brain)
  • Follow all 7 co-hosts: StaceyMichelleSarahCathyTessAsh, and Jamie (my buttons are all at the top of the page!)
  • Leave a comment if you’d like them to follow you too
  • Visit at least 5 other bloggers 
  • If you’d like them to follow you, show them some blog love too. 
Remember, it’s not a party unless you mingle, so get out there and make some new blog friends! 
We’d love it if you encouraged others to join the party too! Take our badge and display it on your sidebar!
;FavePost PartyBadge photo blogbadge.jpg


If you’re interested in co-hosting The SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party next month, $4.00 reserves your spot for a month and a 50% discount on ad space! We won’t disappoint. I promise! Please email [email protected]  for more information: 
She also offers a button swap. Choose the 100 x 100 ad and enter the promo code: swap. It will give you priority link to My Favorite Posts SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party every week as a swapper!! Click here to submit your button 🙂
Let’s Party!!!

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Sharing is caring!


Wednesday 24th of July 2013

Thanks for hosting the party! I'm you're newest follower!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 26th of July 2013

Just visited your blog as how your dog took the stuffed animals!! We have a few rascals here as well!

catherine gacad

Monday 22nd of July 2013

I also enjoyed the post on 10 minutes with your children. We are so caught up in the hustle and bustle that we are no longer taking the time to enjoy life with our loved ones. That is most important. I am trying to step away from my online presence on the weekends to do just that.

Michelle Nahom

Friday 26th of July 2013

I liked that post too. Good idea on taking time away on the weekends -- I won't be on much this weekend time with family and friends!


Saturday 20th of July 2013

I'm actually in pain looking at those cookies and looking at that cute cake. Pain from hunger! Awesome lineup here.

Michelle Nahom

Friday 26th of July 2013

I found some really great posts in here too!!


Saturday 20th of July 2013

Thanks for doing this! Im following you via Bloglovin now!

Amanda @ Harper's Headlines

Michelle Nahom

Friday 26th of July 2013

Hi Amanda, thanks for following! I tried to click on your link to visit your blog as well, and it said it couldn't be found! Just wanted to let you know!


Friday 19th of July 2013

Thanks for the fun blog hop! I love finding new bloggers out there!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 26th of July 2013

Thanks for dropping by to visit! I love finding new bloggers as well!