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Unexpected Moments

The Appo conference in Chicago is winding down…later today I will be on a flight home back to my family. For those of you who are interested in learning more about organizing and creating keepsakes with your photos, I’ve got some wonderful things to share with you over the next couple of weeks! Today I spent time getting to know some new friends, and I learned that some of them have some pretty cool talents!

Me, Becky, Kerry, and Peter

Me, Becky, Kerry, and Peter

Tonight, after the evening portion of the conference ended, two of my colleagues and I went to the bar next door for a quick drink with Peter Schmitt, CEO of Gen-Ark. Gen-Ark is an interesting company offering permanent digital asset preservation, allowing families to make sure their digital assets are available for future generations. There was a band playing, and the singer asked for requests. Peter suggested Louis Armstrong’s “It’s a Wonderful World,” and then offered to sing it. The band took him up on it, and honestly I think we all thought it was going to be one of those bad cases of karaoke.

Peter Schmitt singing Louis Armstrong's "It's a Wonderful World"

Peter singing Louis Armstrong’s “It’s a Wonderful World”

What a huge surprise! Decide for yourself, but we thought this was pretty good. The video is dark but just listen.

What a fun way to finish up the night! Sometimes those unexpected moments are the best ones!



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Amy Miller

Saturday 13th of April 2013

It's one of those that I can't just make myself do, but desperately need to. I have a 14-yr-old stack of wedding photos begging my attention. Hope you had a great trip!

Michelle Nahom

Sunday 14th of April 2013

It was a great trip, thanks! And if you need help with your wedding photos, there are photo professionals can help - check out!

Corinne Rodrigues

Saturday 13th of April 2013

It seems like a really wonderful time was had by all. Peter is really good! :)

Michelle Nahom

Saturday 13th of April 2013

He really was! It was a totally unexpected moment and a lot of fun!