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Unlikely Friends: A Special Bond Between a Dog and a Cat

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

I thought today I would write about a special relationship in our house…although it’s one which does not involved any of the humans. I’ve been watching this relationship develop over the past year, and it’s definitely a bond that is very special. We actually have more furry creatures in our house than people.  We have 3 dogs and 4 cats (I can’t say no, but that’s a story for another day). With 7 animals and 3 children, things can get pretty chaotic around here!

Our dog Murphy loves cats. When we first brought him home, he was only a few months old and having not been around cats at all, he found great fun in chasing them. Our other two dogs know better, so this was quite a new thing around the house, and only tolerated for a short time, as the cats quickly realized that they could put him in place!  Luckily Murphy was a quick study, and his fun with the chase game was short lived. However, anyone that has cats know they do not have short memories and to this day, 3 of our cats simply tolerate his presence and swat him if he tries to get too friendly. For the record though, he continues to try!

Murphy when he first joined our family

Murphy when he first joined our family

Fortunately for Murphy, Cat #4, Luna, who pretty much rules the roost around here, ADORES Murphy. She snuggles with him, hangs out with him, and even grooms his face (which I have to say is one of the cutest things I have seen). He loves the attention!





Murphy likes to be with his people, so you can usually find him on our bed at night, or laying near me when I am working on the computer during the day. Luna can often be found cuddled up with him. I really wish I could get a good picture of this. It seems like every time I catch them together, I don’t have a camera nearby and if I get up to get it, it ruins the moment and one of them gets up as well.  I did catch this on my cell phone.

Luna and Murphy

Luna and Murphy

We’ve always had cats and dogs, even growing up, and I have never had a pair with such a special relationship! I’ve enjoyed watching their friendship evolve…it’s very sweet!

Do you have pets who have a special friendship?

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