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Who Have You Met Through Blogging?

Yesterday I did something we all tell our kids to absolutely never do. I made plans to meet someone I met on the internet.

Well, it wasn’t as scary as all that. It was a new blog friend, and she’s a fellow SITStah.

A couple days ago, I had Facebooked (it kind of feels wierd to use that as a real verb) AnnMarie, who I met through the SITS Girls, about an event I am going to in NYC, mistakenly thinking she lived in NJ and perhaps she might be going. She told me no, she lives in Chicago. And where am I right now, for a photo organizing conference? IN CHICAGO! Of course, I immediately said I’m going to be there tomorrow, do you want to get together?! And so we did!

I love AnnMarie’s blog, Tidbits from the Queen of Chaos. She is very real when she writes, and we have a lot of the same types of things going on in our lives, like the crazy sports schedule where we travel all over the place, and we both have teenagers. I feel like I can relate to what she writes about because I am living the exact same thing now.

I love that blogging gives you the opportunity to meet really great people that you probably would not have met otherwise! Even though I am a relative newbie to blogging, I feel such a sense of community already! Thank you to everyone who has commented and shared and made me feel like I belong. It has meant the world to me!

And to my new friend Ann Marie, thank you for taking a little leap of faith and meeting me even though we only knew each other from the internet! It was so much fun to actually get to meet you in person!! Here we are! (I know I look a little disheveled in this picture, but we didn’t look as good in the one where I fixed my scarf!)

2013-04-10 at 06-49-49


Sharing is caring!

Single Mom in the South

Saturday 13th of April 2013

I blog mostly anonymously so I have only met a few people. There are only a handful of people who know my real name! One is someone I already knew IRL. The other, I met when she, knowing that I lived in the general vicinity, emailed and asked me to go to a concert when her husband couldn't go. I did know others who'd met her and I figure it was a public place... :-)

Michelle Nahom

Thursday 25th of April 2013

I'm sorry I missed this earlier! I definitely think we need to be cautious, but meeting in a public place is always helpful!


Friday 12th of April 2013

I have yet to meet anyone from blogging - but I hope to make it to a conference someday. It would great to connect people I "see" online every day. Glad you had the opportunity to meet!

Michelle Nahom

Saturday 13th of April 2013

It was a lot of fun! And now some of my conference friends are reading Ann Marie's blog of them told me this morning that she loved it! How cool is that?!

Ginger Kay

Friday 12th of April 2013

Not through blogging (yet), but through other online venues, I've made several genuine friends, and we've enjoyed getting together when we're able.

(I came through mommifried's link up.)

Michelle Nahom

Friday 12th of April 2013

I met a friend through twitter!! I love social media! So much fun to meet new people!


Thursday 11th of April 2013

This entire year seems to be so full of events that I can't attend not even one of the bloggy boot camps. There are so many bloggers and writers I'd like to meet in person. Hopefully I'll run into a few at the conference in NY.

Michelle Nahom

Friday 12th of April 2013

Oh no!! Not one? Which conference in NY? The mini one, by chance? Cause if it is then I get to meet you!! I am going!

Ryan Naylor

Thursday 11th of April 2013

Fantastic! Great to hear...thanks for sharing. I shared on G+ pinned the photo of you two so more people can see how 'disheveled' you look ;o)

Michelle Nahom

Friday 12th of April 2013

Awww...thanks! Did you email Ann Marie about your project? If not I will tell her...she is awesome!!