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Why My Husband is a Super Dad!

I am a very lucky. I married a man who is a really great dad.

In the last 16 years with children, there’s been plenty of ups and downs. As anyone with kids knows, kids bring out the best and the worst in you.

But we’re going to talk about the best! My husband is fortunate to have a flexible work schedule and is an active participant in the day to day lives of our children. From the time they were babies, he’s been very involved. He brought me all three of our babies in the middle of the night for feedings, because I’m a heavy sleeper and could probably sleep through an elephant running through the house. For the many years that I worked in direct sales when the kids were very young, he read books at night and tucked kids into bed. As soon as each child hit preschool, he started teaching them to ski, so that when they were older, it would be a family activity we could do together. When they became old enough to play sports, he coached team after team.  When he was training for triathlons, one of the workouts he would do was hill sprints on our tandem…with a child manning the second seat. He rode that same tandem to many local soccer games with a child pedaling away in the second seat. I could go on and on.

He’s given our children the gift of time. But in addition to time, he’s taught them these four lessons. In the end, children mimic what we do, not what we say.

Why My Husband is a Super Dad!

He’s a good role model. When he coached our children’s soccer teams, he never once put our kids ahead of any others. He rotated starters, was encouraging to everyone, and never allowed his team to “blow out” another when they had the opportunity. He feels that all kids should have the opportunity to feel good about themselves. If a blowout looked inevitable, he’d move kids into different positions, make them shoot with their weak foot, or play a man or two down on the field.

Life Lesson: It’s not cool to humiliate anyone. 

He sets a good example. He helps out around the house. I work from home so it would be easy for him to say to himself, “well, she’s home all day, so she can get the housework done.” But it’s not quite that easy. I’m on my computer all day, and I never quite catch up with all I have on my plate. I’m always behind on the housework. Our daughter’s soccer practice was an hour away this year, three times a week. I did the bulk of the driving for that. As a result, he takes on his fair share around the house, and that includes cooking, cleaning and laundry!

Life Lesson: There are no men-specific or women-specific jobs…you do what you need to do to make the household run smoothly. 

You can count on him. If he says he’ll do something, he does it. Whether it’s helping a friend, or promising a kid to take them somewhere, he comes through. He is a man of his word.

Life Lesson: Your word is golden…don’t break that trust.

He’s active in the community. We have a crazy schedule in this house. As I mentioned above, with 3 teens/tweens active in multiple sports, we are always on the run. And yet he still finds time to serve on 3 different community organization’s boards. While at times all the evening meetings drive me crazy, I can appreciate that he is doing his part to make our community a better place to live in.

Life Lesson: Don’t wait around for someone else to do something; YOU can make a difference.

What makes your husband a super dad? 



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Wednesday 12th of June 2013

You're very lucky! :) My husband is a hands-on dad. That makes him super dad, super husband!

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 12th of June 2013

We ARE very lucky! :) Hands on Dads are the best!


Saturday 8th of June 2013

What a sweet husband! My husband is a wonderful dad to the kids and he has helped me raise them since they were little. No they are not his, but he is the only dad that they know.

Michelle Nahom

Tuesday 11th of June 2013

The Dad is the one that raises them! Your husband sounds wonderful!

another jennifer

Friday 7th of June 2013

What an awesome post, Michelle. I love the life lessons. My hubby is the cook in the family and does all the grocery shopping. What else could a gal ask for? :)

Michelle Nahom

Tuesday 11th of June 2013

That's awesome! My hubby does the dishes most of the time and he helps a ton with laundry. I wish I could just wave a magic wand and get the grocery shopping and the cleaning done around here!


Friday 7th of June 2013

Congrats on marrying super dad! They're extremely rare and hard to find!!!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 7th of June 2013

I think I lucked out! I was pretty young when I got married! But he is a special man. :)


Friday 7th of June 2013

Sounds like you have a fabulous partner, Michelle. My husband is a super dad for many reasons, but one is that he lies with each kid every night he is home and talks with them. I hear him laughing with my son, and I hear my daughter yapping his ear of at 10:30 at night. Those are times I know all three of them cherish - he has much more patience for the kids at bedtime so I really appreciate that he does this!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 7th of June 2013

I love that! I am sure your kids will appreciate those times - those are the things they'll remember!