When I think back to when I was a kid, there are so many changes that it’s mind boggling. The things that we take for granted today, like cell phones, laptops, television streaming…those weren’t even a thought process in my childhood mind.
Of course it’s not just technology that has changed…our whole way of life is different. We no longer have milkmen delivering our milk to a box at our front door. We have superstores now, where you can buy everything you could possibly need under one roof. We shop online and our purchases are delivered right to our doorstep, without even having to leave our house. We can even have our groceries delivered if we want.
Rabia at The Lieber Family and Lisa at The Golden Spoons have challenged us to go back in time and come up with ten things about the year we were born for this week’s #TuesdayTen. A couple things immediately came to mind…the first man on the moon, and Chappaquiddick, but the others I’ve listed here I found as a result of my online research.
Costs in 1969
10. A gallon of gas cost $0.35, a gallon of milk was $1.10, and a postage stamp was $.06 in 1969.
9. The average price of a new home was $27,900.
Popular culture in 1969
8. My soccer playing kids might appreciate this stat: Pelé scored his 1000th goal in 1969.
7. Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline, a timeless classic in my opinion, was one of the top songs in 1969. Am I becoming my parents because I like this song?
6. Sesame Street was broadcast for the first time in 1969.
5. So did Scooby Do, one of my favorites as a kid! My kids even enjoyed it growing up as well. Some things span the ages.
A 1969 history lesson
4. The first ATM machine in the US was installed in Rockville Centre, NY on September 2, 1969. Today, we can do almost all of our banking at an ATM machine.
3. After driving off a bridge at Chappaquiddick Island on July 19th, 1969, Senator Edward Kennedy left the scene (and didn’t report it for nearly ten hours) leaving his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, to drown. He received a two month suspended sentence, and a year probation, but his political ambitions to become President were derailed forever. My in laws used to have a vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard, and for years we went there every summer. I could never walk by the Chappy ferry without thinking about the tragedy that happened there, although it happened when I was just a baby.
2. History was made when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon on July 20th, 1969.
1. And who would have known that 1969 would open the door to our blogs today? While the internet of 1969 looked very different of the internet of today, the ARPAnet as it was known back then, it paved the way for the amazing online technology we have today!
Thanks for challenging us to look back in time, Rabia and Lisa. It was fun!
catherine gacad
Monday 31st of March 2014
1969 was epic! who doesn't love sweet caroline?!
Thursday 27th of March 2014
I wish I could have lived through the summer of love! You forgot mention Woodstock ; )
another jennifer
Wednesday 26th of March 2014
Love the history lesson. Also love Sweet Caroline. Definitely a classic....especially for those of us from the Boston area. :)
Shana Norris
Wednesday 26th of March 2014
I didn't realize ATM machines went back to 1969. I always thought they were an 80s thing. I was born in 1974 and Scooby Doo was my FAVORITE cartoon. I still watch sometimes if the kids have it on.
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 26th of March 2014
I loved Scooby Doo too! And my kids did as well...hoping it's still around for my grandchildren...what a hoot it would be remember old episodes!
Wednesday 26th of March 2014
1969 was a great year! I was 10 so I remember some of these things. Two great Neil's that year! I loved the song Sweet Caroline (still do) - and the day that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon - I remember how glued to the TV my parents and sisters and I were that day! You picked a great year to be born and I loved your post! :D Thank you for all the great memories you just brought back to me!
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 26th of March 2014
It was fun doing the research, especially since I knew only a couple of the facts I used!