Happy Friday, or depending on when you are reading this, it could be Thursday night! Once again, I’m excited to welcome you back to our Ladies Only Blog Share! Every week our link party continues to grow! This week’s theme is Back to School RULES! Some of our children are already back in the classroom; others, like myself, have kids heading back in the next couple of weeks. Feel free to link up any of your posts about back to school…sports count too!
Before we get started, I’d also like to share with you some great posts that I’ve come across recently! Please visit them if you have a moment and spread some blog love. You might make a new friend!
At Finding Ninee, Kristi has a series called Our Land: Where empathy and wonder rule. The other day she had Kenya from Here’s the thing… guest posting about her experience being the only black child in her class and a teacher that made a difference in Our Land – What comes around, goes around… I don’t want to give it away, but this is a post you want to read! It’s a wonderful reminder that we all have the ability to make a difference in someone’s life!
If you’re a regular here on my blog, then you know that my kids are heavily involved in sports and exactly what I think about participation trophies and other youth sport topics. This morning I came across What happens when “Bad Parents” make a movie, a review by Janis at JBM Thinks. I’ve seen some pretty lousy behavior on the sidelines, but from Janis’ review, this sounds like it’s a movie that could make all of us reflect a little bit. I definitely plan to see it!
I also really loved this post at our very own Four Hens and a Rooster: Vacay Guest Post: Social Teens and their Clueless Parents, from Dorien at More in Media. I really have to highlight this because this is such an important topic for those of us who have tweens and teens. Our kids are online. No matter how responsible a kid is, they will probably at some point do something stupid. And we need to help them navigate through this, because what they do and say online will affect them in the future…with their college applications, for jobs, and of course their reputation!
Ready to head over to the party? Your hosts are:
Crystal at Mommifried
Angela at Writer Mom’s Blog
Tamara at Tamara Camera Blog
Kristen at Four Hens and a Rooster
And…we also have a guest host this week! Please give Kelly from Hoppy Bottoms a warm welcome as well!
We’d all love to connect with you outside of our LOBS Link Party…Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, Instagram…wherever you’d like to connect! My buttons are all at the top of my blog. Write me a note letting me know that you are visiting from the Ladies Only Blog Share or #LOBS, either in the comments below or feel free to send me a tweet or leave me a note on Facebook! I will definitely respond and follow you back! And the rest of my co-hosts would be thrilled to meet you as well!
Let’s get this party started!
*Note: When adding your blog to the Ladies Only Blog Share Pinterest Board, make sure you place the link to your post in the URL field. The name field should contain the title of your post.
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Sunday 18th of August 2013
Loads of great posts to read! Thank you for sharing.
Saturday 17th of August 2013
You know I feel you on the sports parenting! I went with a serious back to school post. Thanks for hosting!
Saturday 17th of August 2013
Thank you for hosting! I love the idea of "back to school" themed blog hop! Maria
Leah Davidson
Friday 16th of August 2013
Oh, I can't get in the back to school mode yet! We are heading off on our summer vacation only next week. But, I will admit, I'm a little excited about getting back to the routines around here! Especially bed time!! I iwll enjoy reading some of the link ups though!
Michelle Nahom
Friday 16th of August 2013
I would love to have a little longer for summer!! We have company right up until the day before school starts. Crazy summer!!
Kimberly H. Smith
Friday 16th of August 2013
Linking up mine!
Michelle Nahom
Friday 16th of August 2013
So glad you are joining us here! Can't wait to read it!