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Happy SITS Day to Me!

Today is a big day. It’s my SITS day! The joy on the faces of the bystanders watching this flash mob dance is how I feel today!!

For my readers who aren’t part of the SITS Girls community, it’s a blogging network of 40,000 women who support one another and help each other grow their online communities. Every weekday, SITS has a featured blogger, and today it is ME! But the SITS Girls community is so much more as well. Tiffany Romero and Francesca Banducci, the masterminds behind SITS, have truly created a go-to site for learning about everything and anything to do with blogging and social media! I recently had the opportunity to attend a Mini Bloggy Boot Camp in NYC, and I learned more in 3 hours than I have learned at any other conference I have ever been to. That is a big statement for me, because I have been to a lot of conferences over the years! This coming weekend I am headed to Charlotte for another Bloggy Boot Camp! I can’t wait!

About me…I’m a soccer mom with 2 boys and a girl (2 teens and a tween), I’m an avid photographer, and I love social media. I especially love to tweet! I write about all of these things on my blog, as well as a recipe thrown in here and there (my father in law is my favorite chef!), and I’ve included some of my favorite posts below. If you like what you see, I would love to connect on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest!

Photography Posts:

Social Media Posts:

Sports Mom Posts:

Recipe Posts: 

Thanks so much for visiting! I’m looking forward to meeting you all and making some new blog friends!

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another jennifer

Tuesday 14th of May 2013

I hope you had a great SITS Day! I was so overwhelmed on my day. But so much fun! :)

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 15th of May 2013

It was a great day...I am still catching up with comments. I've met so many great new people...I've been visiting the blogs of those who visited me as well...may take me a bit to get through them all but I am having fun!


Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Happy late SITS Day! Congratulations! :) ~Dakota

Michelle Nahom

Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Thanks so much for visiting!! Just checked out your post and I am bookmarketing it for later...I want to check out the sites you reference as well! Hope you are having a great day!

Rachel Lavern

Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Happy belated SITS Day Michelle. I hope that it was awesome :)

Michelle Nahom

Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Thanks very much Rachel! It really was a great day!


Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Happy SITS Day!

Michelle Nahom

Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Thanks so much for helping make my SITS day special!! It was a lot of fun!

Dawn ~ Spatulas On Parade

Monday 13th of May 2013

HAPPY SITS DAY. Connecting to your facebook as well.

Michelle Nahom

Tuesday 14th of May 2013

Thanks for stopping by for my SITS day! I just liked you on Facebook and followed on twitter as well - glad to connect!!