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Mom Needs a Massage {Breathe Peace Massage Therapy Local Giveaway}


Breathe Peace Massage Therapy

Oh, to have a day to be appreciated! Us moms are a busy group…we cook, we clean, we chauffeur, we take care of the pets that the kids promised they would take care of but don’t, we track down all the school supplies that are needed last minute for projects, plus many of us work in or outside the home on top of all our “mom responsibilities”…what don’t we do?!

While a mom’s job is the best job in the world, with everything we have going on, we need a chance to relax once in a while too. Getting a massage is a great way to alleviate stress and all those aches and pains. You can actually feel your tension float away. There are so many proven health benefits to massage…alleviating pain, relax tired muscles, better flexibility, improved immunity, lessened anxiety, improved circulation and so much more! But most of us need a gentle reminder to do something for ourselves once in a while!

As a regular client of Stacy Krey, owner of Breathe Peace Massage Therapy, a local massage therapist in New Milford, CT, I can attest to her AMAZINGNESS. I’m not sure if that is actually a word, but it conveys the way I feel. I wish I could go more often. Usually by the time I make my way over to Stacy’s studio, my back is a mess of tension knots. But she does truly amazing work, and I always feel so much better after going.

Recently Stacy and I were talking and decided to do a “local giveaway” with Breathe Peace Massage Therapy, in honor of Mother’s Day. One of my local readers will win their choice of a Swedish or deep tissue massage. You can read more about massage services on their website, but basically a Swedish massage is more relaxing and deep tissue targets chronically stiff and “knotty” areas. I always get deep tissue massages. If you’re interested in sports massage, Stacy offers that as well. I’ve been taking my daughter to Breathe Peace for sports massage for years. It helped immensely with her Osgood-Schlatter.

Please note this IS a local giveaway. You must be able to travel to Breathe Peace Massage Therapy in New Milford, CT for your massage, and you also must be 18 to enter. If you haven’t had a massage with Stacy before, you are in for a wonderful experience!

PS. Men, if you’d like to enter for your wives, you can do that too!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Breathe Peace Massage Therapy is located at 35 Park Lane Road (Rt 202) in New Milford.  Her studio is in a historic brick building with a red front door.  You can contact Stacy at (860) 355-4098.

Disclosure: I received no services or compensation for this post. As I said, I’ve been a happy Breathe Peace Massage Therapy client for the last couple of years!


Sharing is caring!


Monday 29th of April 2013

This is a great idea for a giveaway! As a mom of 2, a wife, and a bus driver of 40+ kids I know I could use a good massage to help relieve the stresses of every day life!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 3rd of May 2013

Absolutely!! A massage is the perfect way to get a little much needed rest and relaxation in!


Monday 29th of April 2013

what a great giveaway!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 3rd of May 2013

Stacy is wonderful - I am so excited we are able to do this giveaway!!

Angela Gilmore

Monday 29th of April 2013

This is such a great treat for your local readers, thanks! Sitting at my desk for 8 hours a day is tough on my neck! As I'm writing this I'm rolling my shoulders, a massage would be nice! :)

Michelle Nahom

Friday 3rd of May 2013

I know, I am constantly having to get up and move around! My chiropractor suggests doing shoulder rolls - I try to remember to do those as well...but nothing beats a massage!


Monday 29th of April 2013

Deep Tissue would be awesome! I need to get rid of the knots before the crazy summer shooting schedule begins.

Michelle Nahom

Friday 3rd of May 2013

I love the deep tissue massages...I have so many knots!

The Dose of Reality

Monday 29th of April 2013

This sounds so wonderful!! You have no idea how sad I am that I live far away!! Good luck to one of your local readers!! --Lisa