Today I had lunch with my little guy. He’s not really so little anymore, on the verge of being a teenager. I don’t often get to spend one on one time with any of the kids, unless you count driving them to practice or a game. So it was kind of a treat.
At first it was hard to try to get him to talk. “I’m bored,” he told me as we were waiting for our food. “Well,” I said, “If we talk, you won’t be bored.” Since he gave me nothing to work with, I thought I’d try asking him if he’d get his hair cut. Probably wasn’t the best topic of discussion, since for some reason he loves that “long, in your face” look that my husband and I can’t stand but causes a huge fight anytime we suggest cutting it. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s just not worth the battle. I have bigger fish to fry. Plus, my oldest went through that stage too, and now he can’t stand long hair. So anyway, he shrugged and said “Sure.” Now I’m thinking to myself, how fast can I get him to the barber before he changes his mind! He was just playing with me though. He gave me this impish little grin and said, “Well, someday.” Ugh.
So then I decided maybe we could talk about books, and I asked him if he’s reading anything good right now. All of my kids like to read but my two younger ones are notorious for reading things that are not normally what kids their age would choose to read. We have a ton of books in the house for him to choose from. He answered in this cryptic way that he has a habit of doing, “I’m reading something that was written in the 1300’s.” Ok, that helps me! There’s no way I could even begin to guess! So then he informed me that he’s reading Dante’s Inferno, which is about Hell. Seriously? This is what he’s reading? I know it’s a classic, but that’s about it. He’s reading it on his iPad…I think he bought it on iBooks on an account he shares with his brother and my husband. I checked Amazon to find out more about it, and one of the reviews was written by a 13 year old kid who liked the book so much that he recommended it to anyone who can read. I’ve never read it, but according to my son, it’s a really good book.
It’s probably not so odd that he would choose to read something like this. He’s watched the history channel and documentaries practically his whole life. He’s drawn to that stuff. He’s a sponge and can spout back completely obscure information for a kid his age, complete with his own opinion, right or wrong…like why reverse mortgages don’t make sense to him. And yet, he can be a complete goof ball too, laughing ridiculously about the different farting sounds he can get a whoopee cushion to make.
I need to make time to do this more often. It was quite an interesting lunch…I learned a lot today.
Saturday 20th of April 2013
Love one on one time with the kids. So important! And, really, that is a big book for a kid that age -- I'm impressed!
Stopping in from sharefest...
Michelle Nahom
Saturday 20th of April 2013
I've never even read it. He never fails to surprise me! I definitely need to do the one on one time more was a lot of fun!
Single Mom in the South
Friday 19th of April 2013
I don't get a lot of one-on-one time with my kids either. I try to cherish it when I do.
Michelle Nahom
Friday 19th of April 2013
It's even more special when we do get that one on one time!
Friday 19th of April 2013
You'll never regret the time you spend with your kiddos. Treasure every moment, and when they get to a certain age, it's important to make time to be with them. Great reminder!
Michelle Nahom
Friday 19th of April 2013
So true! I can't believe how time has flown...seems like they were just babies not that long ago! We really do need to treasure every moment!
Friday 19th of April 2013
My children are young, but I learn so much from them. My 6 yo daughter is also an avid reader and she is always sharing these interesting facts about animals, our solar system and history. When I talk to my 3 yo son, I learn he speaks a totally different language..and often has to define words to "booty butt" and "nic nic gunner" huh? yep. I just pray that I can always talk to my kids and they'll always want to talk to me. Great Post.
Michelle Nahom
Friday 19th of April 2013
They definitely share a lot more when they are younger. Your daughter sounds really inquisitive and your son sounds adorable with his own little language! I love those ages! I need to spend more time one on's such great bonding time! And I think the more we do it, the easier it will be to get them to talk. I really can't believe how fast time has seems like just yesterday they were babies!
Mothering From Scratch
Friday 19th of April 2013
{Melinda} I had lunch with both of my kids this week. They are both teens so it doesn't happen as often as I'd like, but it's always a great experience. I learn new things about their lives and it bonds us in a special way when we get time "just us."
You're a good mama. :)
Michelle Nahom
Friday 19th of April 2013
I need to do this more often! It was great to spend the time with him one on one and I know the more we do it, the easier the talking will flow!! I feel like teens and tweens can be harder, because they hold things more inside than the younger kids do.