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The Stress Buster Edition {Ladies Only Blog Share}



Welcome back to the Ladies Only Blog Share, also known as #LOBS! With April being Stress Awareness Month AND National Humor Month, we decided to go with the Stress Buster Edition this week! Laughter is the best medicine, right? So, link up your posts that will make us laugh, as well as any tips to relieve stress, like super easy recipes, money saving tips, or family activities and vacations.

Ready to link up? Here are your fabulous hosts (besides me!):

Crystal at Mommifried


Kristen at Four Hens and a Rooster

4 hens and a rooster

Tamara at Tamara Camera Blog


Angela at Writer Mom’s Blog

WMB header

Amber from City Girl on Hicks Farm


We would all love to connect with you outside of our LOBS Link Party as well. I am trying to grow my Instagram presence and would love it if you would follow me there! But I am happy to connect on any platform that you would like.

Facebook / Twitter / G+ / Pinterest / Instagram / StumbleUpon

Time to get this party started!

Here’s the rules:

        • Please follow your hosts/co-hosts
        • Link up your favorite post for the theme.
        • Please share so others can join in the fun. Tweet us!
        • Visit at least 3 of the links and leave a thoughtful comment. Let them know you’re visiting from #LOBS.
        • Pin your blog post to the Ladies Only Blog Share Pinterest board. If you’re not currently a member, request an invite from one of us and we’ll email you how to join the group. Make sure you place the link to your post in the URL field. The name field should contain the title of your post.
        • Time to PARTY!

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Sharing is caring!


Monday 28th of April 2014

I linked up a post about how my daughter makes me laugh. Ironic how my children can be THE GREATEST source of stress, but also, contribute greatly to relieving me of stress! :-)

Mothering From Scratch

Saturday 26th of April 2014

{Melinda} I'm always late to the party … but at least I made it! :)

Karen Main

Saturday 26th of April 2014

I made it, i made it to the party. I hope I am not too late. I have been working on saying no more, too much on = too much stress. Linked my little bloggy poem about how saying no feels.

Kristi Campbell

Friday 25th of April 2014

OOOH I could use some stress relief. My step-son just got here which means my son's bedtime has become a sh$*storm, but I'm so coming back and linking up something funny. (wait, have I written anything funny recently????) YES, I think I may have. Or close enough.

Ginny Marie

Friday 25th of April 2014

Stress buster edition! Sounds perfect for April! And I thought March was stressful...but little did I know what stress April had in store for me. ;)