Disclosure: Compensation was provided by State Farm via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of State Farm.
In all of our lives, there are pivotal moments that take us in one direction or another. Perhaps it’s an event, or a job, or an epiphany that comes to us at a crucial time. Or maybe it was a person, a good neighbor so to speak, that we met along the way who had a lasting impact on our life.
For me, confidence building came over time. I wasn’t a confident child. I became a bit more confident in college, thanks to a wonderful cross country and track coach. I had a great first boss as well.
But it terms of my professional life, it wasn’t until later, when I tried direct sales, that I actually started to believe in myself. If you would have told me years ago that I would become involved in direct sales, I would have laughed at you. Direct sales is not the place for someone who fears rejection. You have to have a thick skin with direct sales, because people tell you “no” all the time. When your first customers are friends and family, as they often are with direct sales and the home party model, it can be hard to separate the different types of no’s…one being a rejection of the product, and two being the rejection of you. You have to keep telling yourself that it’s not personal. If you can separate the two of them, I believe you become a stronger person for it.
When I was a mom of young children, the home party circuit was huge in my town. On any given week, I was invited to two to three home parties. One of my friends in particular, knowing my love for photography, really wanted me to come to a scrapbooking party. I turned her down several times before finally agreeing to go.
Once there, I was hooked. Making books of my pictures along with the stories that went with them was right up my alley. About six months after starting my new hobby, I decided to become a rep for the company. Unfortunately for me, my sponsor “disappeared” after I signed up…and I was left without anyone to ask my many questions about how to run a direct sales business. Fortunately though, her sponsor, Brenda, was willing to help me get started, and very generously shared her time and expertise with me, even though she really didn’t receive much of a benefit for doing so.
I was scared to “sell” for fear people would think I was pushy, I wasn’t confident in my ability to book parties, and I certainly couldn’t see myself recruiting others into the business. Are you laughing yet? Of course these are all things that a successful direct sales rep must do. That’s what direct sales is.
Brenda encouraged me to find my own way. She helped me find solutions to my fears, and do things in a way I felt comfortable with, even if it wasn’t exactly the way the company outlined them to us. The biggest thing I learned from her is how to hide my fears and appear confident even when I wasn’t…over time, it becomes like second nature. For some this comes easily; others, like me, really have to work at it. But it’s knowing how to take that all important first step that is most crucial. And without Brenda, I wouldn’t have had a clue where to start.
One trick she taught me was to smile when you are talking to someone on the phone. Even though they can’t see the smile, it comes across, and you will sound and feel more confident. It really does work.
That’s just one of the many things Brenda did for me…she gave me the tools to become more confident in myself and my abilities.
[Tweet “Saying thank you to a mentor who gave me confidence building tools! #ad #GoodNeighbor”]
After my “nervous Nellie” beginnings, I grew to truly enjoy direct sales…meeting new people and making new friends (a number of whom are among my closest friends today), and equally important, learning life skills that have served me well both personally and professionally. I had the opportunity to speak to crowds of hundreds of people and overcome yet another fear of mine…public speaking. My career in direction sales only lasted about 5 years, but it started me on a career path that I never would have been on without it.
Here Brenda, and my husband and I are, headed off a cruise ship to explore Marseille, France during an incentive trip we earned.
From scrapbooking rep, I went on to start my own photo organizing business, working with people who were simply overwhelmed with their photos, or needed help creating a keepsakes to memorialize someone or for a specific event, such as a graduation, wedding, or other special event. Running a successful photo organizing business gave me the opportunity to join a professional association of photo organizers, and then become a Marketing Manager for that association. My biggest functions for that particular organization were recruiting and public speaking, two things that I dreaded going into direct sales, but ended up enjoying in the end. Another role that I took on myself was handling their social media.
When I moved on from my position as that association, I had new skills, and once again, decided to start my own business with blogging and social media consulting. I’m quite happy with this new role.
The twists and turns of my professional life would not have been the same had I not taken that initial step into direct sales, and met that one person who encouraged me to take chances and face my fears.
Thank you, Brenda, whether you realize it or not, you made a huge impact on my life!
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by State Farm via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of State Farm.
catherine gacad
Thursday 21st of August 2014
michelle, what a wonderful story about mentorship and inspiring others. we've all benefited from others reaching out to help us, it only makes sense that we turn around and do the same with others. you'll be happy to know that state farm insures my home. definitely a good neighbor :)
Michelle Nahom
Thursday 21st of August 2014
It's interesting to look back and see how different people have impacted our lives, isn't it? I've been blessed to come across some pretty wonderful folks!
Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Wednesday 20th of August 2014
It's great looking back at the journey, to see how one thing led to another, and how seemingly small decisions can be life-changing! Great mentors are a real gift.
Michelle Nahom
Friday 22nd of August 2014
I've met some amazing people along the way...it was nice to look back and be able to share this story on my blog. It truly is amazing the impact one person can have on your life.
Wednesday 20th of August 2014
This is a great story of how the support and encouragement of a mentor can lead your life in a completely different direction than you originally anticipate it will go. I'm still looking for this kind of mentor in my professional life, and I appreciate this reminder of how important it is to have that person!
Michelle Nahom
Friday 22nd of August 2014
I consider myself lucky to have met Brenda along the way! I still consider her a friend although our professional relationship ended years ago.
Wednesday 20th of August 2014
A very inspiring story. Sales is something I suck at doing. I swear! And it's because of the factors you shared above. I've been a telemarketer for a very short period of time.. like only a month and it was exhausting. I guess the hard selling kind of thing scares me most and the thought that to other people, I was just bugging them all the time. LOL.. I'm not even into sales now and I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be. But we'll see.. we'll never really know.
Michelle Nahom
Friday 22nd of August 2014
I don't like hard selling either, and that may be why I struggled with it at the beginning. Most of us in direct sales have no real sales training. I think the key to selling is really hearing what the other person's needs are...once you do that, it doesn't feel like selling. I never wanted anyone to order anything that they didn't need or want. I enjoyed that time immensely. I'm happy where I am at now though too. Enjoying what you do is so important, whatever it is!
Wednesday 20th of August 2014
So interesting how and why you progressed from each role. Love it!
Michelle Nahom
Friday 22nd of August 2014
Thanks Kate! It was kind of fun to look back at this and why things happened the way they did. I've been very blessed!