I know I’ve mentioned before how my puppy Murphy finds all sorts of ways to escape from our fence and go on his adventures. I think he sees something exciting outside of the fence and just says to himself, “I must go see that, right now!” Murphy is not a small dog, so squeezing through the slats on a pool fence is no easy feat. He’s a German Shepard / Golden Retriever mix and he weighs almost 70 pounds.
I couldn’t understand how he was doing it until one day my daughter and I were walking next door, and he decided he needed to join us. We turned around and he was jumping against the fence, then literally bent the metal with his paws, and squeezed his body through. At one point, he got stuck for a second…a couple wiggles and he was free! If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it! The whole thing took a matter of seconds.
He hasn’t done it in a while, and then on Friday he did it twice. I don’t know what he saw, but off he went on his little adventure. I got 2 separate phone calls from folks a couple roads over where he went visiting, unbeknownst to me. He was very happy to see me both times, but obviously that didn’t stop him from taking his jaunt. I shut off the electronic dog door, so he could only go out with me supervised, but then on Saturday I had just gotten home from running errands, and I got another phone call. Someone else in the house had turned the dog door back on, and Murphy was back in business. Off he went again. Fortunately for us, he is a very sweet dog and just wants to visit and play so once he finds someone to visit with, he stays put. However, obviously we don’t want him out and about, for his own safety.
I’m not sure why he feels the need to go on these little adventures. He has dogs and cats and kids right here in our house to play with. He gets to go for a run every morning. And I’m home most days so he has plenty going on every day! But I guess he likes a little more variety.
On Sunday, my husband and son worked on putting up horizontal rails all around the fence to puppy proof it! Not the nicest looking option (they’re going to paint them black) but we were hopeful that it would work.

Murphy proofing our fence!
No such luck! He was in and out all morning, but when I went upstairs to get a few things done, he decided to go for another jaunt and let himself out again, this time going through the opening between one of the posts and the inside railing. He really bent the inside railing. This time when I went to pick him up, he gave me a look as to say, “I know what I did is wrong, but it was so much fun!” Once again I had to shut off the dog door. My husband is going to have to think of another idea now!
Have you ever had a dog that was just determined to do something he knows he shouldn’t?
Wednesday 10th of April 2013
I have only had one dog my whole life and he was pretty mild unless you count peeing whenever I had someone over. Your Murphy cracks me up! What is probably frustrating for you makes for a comical story.
Michelle Nahom
Thursday 11th of April 2013
Even though he is always finding some new trick to pull, I love that dog's resourcefulness. And he is just the sweetest pup...he's a big mush! It was so awesome to actually get to meet you tonight!!
Blond Duck
Tuesday 9th of April 2013
I can see Murphy as the main star in a children's book!
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 10th of April 2013
I definitely should at least make a picture book with all his stories for the family! It's always something new with him! :)
Mothering From Scratch
Tuesday 9th of April 2013
{Melinda} I hate to say it, but you've provided me another reason to stay pet-free! My daughter has been begging for a puppy, but I just don't have the time and energy for it. And I'm no dummy. I know it will be MY puppy! :)
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 10th of April 2013
Oh no, I never want someone to stay pet free because of my stories!! What about a dog that is past the puppy age? Our other dogs are older and while they have plenty of energy, they don't get into trouble the way Murphy does. Apparently all the pups from his litter have the same sort of antics! Our other two were shelter dogs. Murphy is the first puppy we have ever had. And he is my puppy!
Tuesday 9th of April 2013
Poor Murphy! He just wants to have fun. While I in no way condone puppy obesity, just think, if he was fat there would be no way he could squeeze himself through the fence. (Of course, looking at that fence, I swear the laws of physics say he shouldn't be able to now!)
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 10th of April 2013
He definitely should not be able to squeeze through, but he seems to find a way! He is all about fun - he really is the sweetest dog!
Tuesday 9th of April 2013
Clever little dog! I am not an owner of ANY pets! I was afraid of my dogs when I was a child and I opt not to have pets as an adult. I may need to rethink having a pet..it gets lonely staying alone sometimes. That might be the entertainment I need, lol.
Michelle Nahom
Tuesday 9th of April 2013
Oh he's very entertaining all right! We have 4 cats and 3 dogs, never a dull moment around here. I can't imagine life without them though! I bet you'd love having the right pet!