Kids today grow up way too fast. My feeling is, let them have the fun of being a “kid” as long as possible. Adulthood and all of its responsibilities will be here soon enough.
You might have seen me post something about this on Facebook yesterday. Last night, my daughter and her friend went out trick-or-treating. They are in still in middle school. They got a somewhat late start because my daughter had soccer practice and didn’t get home till 7. By the time she had showered, eaten dinner, and put her costume on, it was 8 o’clock. Out the door they went. They were back about 20 minutes later, somewhat dejected. Apparently at a number of the houses they went to, adults told them they were too old to be trick-or-treating, and a couple people told them they were out too late. However, due to Hurricane Sandy, we have not had school all week, including today, the day after Halloween.
Disappointed, they returned home. Why are we in such a hurry to make these kids grow up? They took the time to put together costumes on their own with a couple things from the party store and other things they found at home or borrowed. I thought they were fairly creative.
Deciding not to let the adults spoil all their fun, they walked to CVS and bought their own candy. But let’s face it, it’s much more fun to go from house to house than to buy candy at a store. I wonder, will this experience factor into what they decide to do next year? Will this year’s Halloween be the last for trick-or-treating?
Let’s let kids be kids as long as possible! If it means young teenagers dressing up and trick-or-treating, I say let them have their fun! What do you think? How old is too old to trick-or-treat?
Kristen Daukas
Friday 25th of October 2013
Nope... the only kids that I turn away (and I don't still) are the ones who don't show up in costume. At least try and play the part!
Michelle Nahom
Saturday 26th of October 2013
That's awesome! I usually give them candy anyway, but I think it's lame they don't have a costume.
Friday 25th of October 2013
Yep, this is pretty crazy. I would be DELIGHTED for my child to stay "a kid" as long as possible. Society has such double standards, especially for women in my opinion. We are publicly outraged at the behavior of Miley Cyrus, yet we turn away girls for being "too old" to Trick or Treat? How confusing for the young ladies growing up in our country!
Let the girls Trick or Treat for goodness sakes!
Michelle Nahom
Saturday 26th of October 2013
I so agree!! I would much rather have my kid trick or treating and doing "kid" stuff than acting like Miley Cyrus!
Friday 25th of October 2013
I'm sorry to hears that some people poo-pooed their creativity and chance to be kids. I agree, the world tries to get kids to grow up way too fast these days. I went trick-or-treating all the way through high school, and no one seemed to frown upon it back then.
I hope they choose to go out again this year!
Michelle Nahom
Saturday 26th of October 2013
I don't know if they will or not, but I was disappointed that people said that to them. Kids grow up way too fast...why not let them have their fun and stay young as long as possible?!
Amber Day Hicks
Friday 25th of October 2013
This is insane & ridiculous... who couls act like that? I have nothing nice to say & a few words I'm holding back, That is just wrong!!! AWFUL!!!
Michelle Nahom
Saturday 26th of October 2013
I agree, but they took it in stride, and just went and bought their own candy!
Janine Huldie
Thursday 24th of October 2013
This was so sad to hear and why would anyone actually say this to a kid that they are too old and ruin their fun. I truly hope it doesn't stop them this year and thanking god Hurricane Sandy is behind us this year, because last year we had no power on Halloween, but went to the mall to trick-or-treat with the girls.
Michelle Nahom
Saturday 26th of October 2013
I don't know if they'll go out again, but I couldn't believe that one person said that to them, let alone two! Way to spoil all the fun!