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Use Your Influence to Make Money Blogging — with Sverve

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to become a member of Sverve and use my link, I will receive a small commission. 

Would you like to expand your blogger network? Do you want to work with brands, but aren’t quite sure to start? Sverve is a free platform where bloggers can network with each other in a Pinterest-like format and connect with businesses and brands at the same time! It has quickly become one of my favorite blogging communities because of the people I have met and my ability to use my influence to make money blogging.


Build Your Community and Make New Friends

Set up your profile and add up to 5 areas of influence. These are the areas in which you feel you are most influential. Pick wisely, because these are where you will be sharing your “tips.” More on that in a minute! You can make changes to your areas of influence, but once people start endorsing you, you will want to hold on to those endorsements because they increase your Influencer score. The ones I set up for myself were Mom Blogger; Parenting Teens and Tweens; Blogging, Social Media, Product Reviews & Giveaways; Photography; and Youth Sports.

Sverve, Areas of Influence

Start networking. Follow other bloggers you are already friendly with. Then get ready to start meeting some new ones! Remember that old saying to make friends, you need to be a friend? To take full advantage of all Sverve has to offer, you’re going to want to get social! If you click  on “View Stats,” it will show you who you’ve been endorsed by, as well as similar influencers. I like to check out those influencers who are similar to me and visit their blogs whenever I can. This is a great way to make new friends! Don’t forget to follow and endorse when you find someone you like!

Sverve, Endorsed by

Share quality information. I mentioned sharing “tips” above. You’ll definitely want to share your best blog posts that fit into your areas of influence! The easiest way to do this is add the Bookmarklet to your toolbar. It looks like I should be paying a little more attention to my areas of influence when adding my tips! Don’t forget to like, share, and favorite other quality content that you come across! As with any social media community, the more active you are, the more influential you will be. 

Sverve, My Tips


Influence and Monetize

How your score is determined. As you build your community, you’ll notice your Influencer score increasing. Your score is based on your Social  Influence (social networks), your Blog Influence (unique visitors and page views, Google rank, Alexa ranking and backlinks), and your Sverve Influence. Your influence in Sverve is calculated based on your endorsements received in your top three areas of influence compared to others. This is why networking is so important!

Becoming an Influencer. Now that you’ve established a community, it’s time to start influencing people! As I mentioned before, Sverve allows you to connect with businesses and brands who are looking to work with bloggers! The higher your score, the better chance you have of being engaged for a campaign. However, it’s important to remember that your areas of influence are also very important…obviously you stand a better chance of being selected when you apply for campaigns within your areas of influence.

Monetize. You will find campaigns like product reviews; sponsored posts; promotions; affiliate programs; and sponsored shares, which are campaigns shared on various social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. While you will receive emails, you also may want to check in with Sverve on a regular basis as well. Some campaigns may ask for a minimum Influencer score to apply; with others, the higher your influence, the bigger the paycheck. Yes, you read that right. Based on your level of influence, Sverve will suggest a dollar amount for the campaign, which you can then reduce or increase.  This is a relatively new feature and allows you to be rewarded more for a higher Influencer score.

Wondering what kind of campaigns are available? Here are a couple of my favorites that I’ve worked on:

You may even find after working with a brand on a campaign, that they’d like to continue the relationship. After writing a sponsored post for Bookboard, I was asked to join them as a brand ambassador! As you can see, there are many opportunities available!

Are you on Sverve already? If you are, I’d love to connect with you! Visit me at my Sverve profile here! If you’re not, what are you waiting for?! Sign up for Sverve today! It’s a great way to make new friends, and use your influence to make money blogging! 

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to become a member of Sverve and use my link, I will receive a small commission. 

Linking up with Being a Wordsmith Monetization, Wine’d Down Wednesday, Monthly Review Linkup

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Monday 18th of January 2016

Hi Michelle. This caught my eye, as I’m always looking for links to share and also put in my newsletter. I hadn’t heard of Sverve. My sister is a mommy blogger. I’ll have to send this to her in case she hasn’t heard of it.

I’m glad I found you and hope to get better acquainted.

Sandy Ramsey

Monday 7th of October 2013

Thanks so much for this post! Funny thing is that in my notes for today, one thing I wanted to take a look at was Sverve so when I came in to visit from Meandering Mondays this one just jumped out at me..perfect timing! I've pinned this and will definitely be taking a close look! Thanks again! By the way, I read and reviewed the book on Amazon! Terrific job!

Michelle Nahom

Monday 7th of October 2013

I am so glad you enjoyed the book!! It's definitely hard to put yourself out there, but reading everyone else's story makes you realize you're not the only one that has those moments! Thanks so much for the wonderful review - we appreciate it! And I am glad you found this post about Sverve helpful - it is truly a great community! If you sign up with them, please be sure to follow me and I will follow back. And I am glad to answer questions and help in any way I can!!


Friday 27th of September 2013

Great post! I just love sverve. I find the best and most inspiring posts on there :o) This is a great post to link up!

Michelle Nahom

Friday 27th of September 2013

Thanks Elena! I find a lot of good stuff there as well! It's a great community!


Thursday 26th of September 2013

Sverve is a great community! I always find some really great tips and posts that I otherwise wouldn't find.

Michelle Nahom

Thursday 26th of September 2013

So true!! I have found all kinds of good stuff there!


Thursday 26th of September 2013

Interesting.... I'll have to check it out.

Michelle Nahom

Thursday 26th of September 2013

If you do decide to join, definitely connect with me there! It really is one of my favorite blogging communities! I love the fact that you can network with other bloggers AND connect with brands in the same place!