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“Don’t Miss” Fall Photo Ideas and a Bonus Tip!

Recently I was asked the question if I could live anywhere in the world, where would I choose? My answer was that I think I would be happy anywhere friends and family are! But I do have to say, I feel like I am pretty lucky to live in New England. I love having four distinct seasons (even though I don’t always appreciate the cold).

Autumn in New England is gorgeous! The colors are so vivid, and they lend themselves to stunning photos. Fall is actually my favorite time of year for picture taking! Thinking about fall photo opps made me start reminscing about some of my favorite photos from years gone by!

Fall Photo Ideas

Here are some of my “Don’t Miss” Fall Photo Ideas!

Leaf piles My kids loved leaf piles when they were younger. We live near a prep school, and the groundskeeper would create these huge mountains of leaves for cleanup. More than once or twice, he saw the kids eyeing the piles and told them to go ahead and play in them. Sometimes they would hide things in them and search for them. The dogs loved jumping around in them too! We also created our own leaf piles, but the leaf piles you can create with big blowers are a lot bigger! And to a kid, the bigger the leaf pile, the better!

The pumpkin patch There is something about kids and pumpkins. We could spend hours in a pumpkin patch searching for the right one! Of course seldom do three kids agree on anything, so we often brought home multiple pumpkins!

Apple picking We all look forward to apple season. Apples taste so amazing this time of year. There is nothing better than a fresh picked apple right off the tree! We are lucky enough to live close to an apple farm, so in the fall we always go pick our own! It’s amazing how quickly you can fill your bags!

Corn Mazes When the kids were little, there was a local corn maze we liked to go to. It had all sorts of cool trivia questions in different spots throughout the maze, which was fun for the kids. Another time we went to a really big corn maze and got lost! Fortunately, they gave us a flag that we could wave if that happened. Wouldn’t you know it happened to us! I never thought we would need it, but the kids were exhausted, and we simply could not find our way out! I should have done that one with my husband! It might be fun to do this again just for old times sake!

Scenery Every fall I take one morning to go out and take pictures around town. We have a beautiful quaint downtown and so many scenic spots all over! I love taking bridge pictures. I haven’t been out yet this year, but I thought you’d enjoy some of my past years’ photos! I printed the bridge photo that you see on metallic paper, which made the colors pop even more. Then  I custom framed it for our home.*

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to think about storytelling as well when you are taking photos. The stories our photos tell are what make them special to us. Perhaps you want to capture details like before and after photos of the leaf pile, or even the process of making it. With apple picking, you might want a picture of the pie your daughter made with her grandmother. Having a sequence of photos that tells the story will allow you to re-live those memories in better detail later! For more tips on storytelling with your photos, check out my guest post at Tamara (Like) Camera!

Fall Photo Ideas

What are your favorite things to take pictures of in the fall?

Linking up with the Friendly Friday Blog Hop!

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*I offer custom framing services, in addition to photo gifts through my business Creative Photo Solutions.

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catherine gacad

Sunday 29th of September 2013

ahhh, this is what we don't have in california!


Saturday 28th of September 2013

Love their smiling faces! I admit, I'm not great at story telling with my pictures. That's something I will definitely need to work on. Your ideas made me smile because I remember every year my mom taking us to the pumpkin patch for a photo. Those are some of my favorite memories and photos from childhood!

another jennifer

Saturday 28th of September 2013

I love living in New England for the same reasons! Some of my best photos of the boys are in leaf piles. What's more fun than a leaf pile!?

Tahnya Kristina

Saturday 28th of September 2013

New England is GORGEOUS in the fall! Great photo tips -- I love bridge photos as well :).


Saturday 28th of September 2013

Great ideas! We have never done pumpkin patch is on my list for this year.