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Want To Grow Your Blog Community? Try A Challenge!

Once again, I am signing up for another challenge. I must be crazy! The first time I did something like this, it was a wonderful learning experience. And I met some really great people as well! But it wasn’t easy blogging every day. That was back in April. This month I think I’ve for the most part written three to four times a week, and certainly I’ve been happy with that. This one came across my computer about a week ago thanks to my friend Philip over at PSG Photo Solutions and I’ve been mulling over it ever since then. But I officially signed up just before the deadline so I hope you’ve signed up too, Philip!

The WordCount Blogathon
One of the things I liked about the first challenge I did was that they had a separate Facebook page where there was a lot of member support. This seems to be an important piece of the puzzle to making a challenge successful. The 2013 WordCount Blogathon has a Facebook page as well. In order to increase traffic on your blog, you need to build your community. If there’s no sense of community, then it goes without saying that it’s going to be much slower going trying to grow your blog.

Are you looking for paid blogging work? Want to work with brands? Doing a challenge like this can give you the experience and the confidence to pursue those types of opportunities. But there are a lot of great reasons to sign up for a blog challenge. You may even find some that you hadn’t thought of yourself!

So here I go again, embarking on a somewhat difficult challenge at a time of year that is notoriously known for being crazy. We’re coming up on the end of school, the sports seasons aren’t over, and everyone has tryouts for new teams.  This month is going to be really busy! On the positive side of that, I tend to get a lot of writing done at practices, so now I’ll have practices and tryouts during which to write!

Wish me luck! Have you ever tried a blog challenge? What were your results?


Sharing is caring!


Wednesday 5th of June 2013

I'm intrigued! I have never done a blog challenge. I'm going to check it out!!


Wednesday 5th of June 2013

nevermind...too late to join! Maybe I'll catch one next month (womp womp womp)


Monday 3rd of June 2013

I love the idea of a challenge, but I haven't tried one yet. Good luck with this one, Michelle, and if you hear of another good one, share it with us!

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 5th of June 2013

Will do Dana!


Monday 3rd of June 2013

I haven't done this..yet..but I have no doubt you'll do it flawlessly! Good luck!

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 5th of June 2013

Thank you Tamara! I hope I can do this again!!


Monday 3rd of June 2013

Good Luck...AGAIN, lol!

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 5th of June 2013

Thanks Joi! Hope I can pull it off!

Kara Kelso

Saturday 1st of June 2013

I like the sound of a "Word Count" challenge, because I hate to see blogs pumping out "blah" content. They tend to get so focused on just throwing something up every day that the content becomes worthless. Sad. :( Yet if the challenge is more focused on quality, I am ALL for that. From the looks of it, this challenge seems to be a good one, so I do wish you luck!

Michelle Nahom

Wednesday 5th of June 2013

Yes I agree...I am not a fan of just throwing whatever up on the blog. That's what makes it such a challenge to do!! Thanks for the well wishes!