This has been the summer of family, and of food. As many of you know, my father in law passed away in late June. We miss him dearly. He was a very special man, with a big heart, and a lot of culinary talents. While this particular recipe wasn’t his, many more that I will share with you were inspired by him, and you’ll be hearing more about those recipes as we go through the rest of the year and probably well beyond as well.
My love of food and cooking comes from my in laws. In college, my roommates and I lived on things like spaghetti pie and broccoli cheese whiz surprise. And pizza. Lots of pizza.
Then I met my husband, and when I moved east after getting engaged, I spent a lot of time with his family. In fact, I lived with my in laws for the year before we got married. Both my mother in law and father in law have a gift for cooking. I started to like certain foods, because of the way they prepared them. In fact, often times I find myself comparing meals at a restaurant as to whether I could get a better meal next door. Yes, I said next door. My in laws live next door to us. After we got married, we built a house right next door.
Many people might raise their eyebrows at living next door to their parents or in laws, and I will be completely honest, when they first offered us the land, we turned them down. But then we changed our minds. And I am glad we did. It was a blessing to live so close by. Our children grew up with them in their daily lives…they were a hop, skip and a jump away. And they weren’t the type to just show up at our house, unless they were dropping off homemade food (bonus).
It was devastating when we lost my father in law to cancer. He had a special relationship with our children…he took the boys to Yankees games and UConn basketball games, and spent time teaching our daughter his special recipes. Family was very important to him. We went on wonderful family vacations through the years with my husband’s siblings’ families, and everything revolved around food.
My father in law, who was Lebanese, comes from a large family of great cooks too. After he passed away, family descended on us with food. We had so much food here that we were still eating it at the end of July.
It was at a family gathering of my father in law’s relatives the other weekend when I discovered this new recipe. My husband’s second cousin, Marie, made the most delicious white bean hummus. We couldn’t stop eating it. I just had to ask her what was in it! Now, I don’t have her actual recipe, but I winged it the other night, and it was quite good. I’m very happy with this version.
The consistency of mine was completely different from hers and the taste was slightly different as well, but everyone here agreed it was delicious. It disappeared quickly. I’ll definitely be making this one again. It’s not like a traditional hummus…there is no tahini in this. But it did have the consistency of hummus.
Cannellini Bean and Mint Hummus
Delicious cannellini bean and mint hummus.
- 1 large can of cannellini beans, 1 lb. 13 oz
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced
- Juice from 2 lemons
- 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 1/2 tablespoons of mint, chopped finely
- In cuisinart, blend together all ingredients.
- Top with additional mint garnish.
Serve with cut up bread and vegetables.
Do you like hummus? Have you ever tried making it?
Friday 27th of March 2015
Michelle, This is a lovely tribute to your father-in-law. I'm a fan of vegetable dips, and this bean dip looks wonderful. I especially love the photo of the dip 'in action' with that little cutie! It's nice to see a stylized shot, but a REAL one is also great. Thanks!
Michelle Nahom
Friday 27th of March 2015
It's amazing how sometimes the simplest recipe can taste so good! Everyone in our family loves this one. I think next time I make it, I might save some for roasted veggie sandwiches too. :) Thanks for stopping in, Kirsten!
Monday 1st of September 2014
So simple yet so good. Love all kinds of flavored hummus. Thanks for linking up with us today. Hope you will visit some other blogs and link up with us again.
Michelle Nahom
Monday 1st of September 2014
Thanks Deborah! I actually was just back over a little bit ago to visit some of the others linked up. :) It was a little hectic during the day today. I checked out your cauliflower "steaks" too - they look awesome!
Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Wednesday 20th of August 2014
I'm just catching up on my blog reading, Michelle, and I am so very sorry to hear about your father-in-law. He sounds like a wonderful man. I'm pinning the recipe - I'm something of a hummus freak, and this sounds delicious.
Michelle Nahom
Thursday 21st of August 2014
Thank you Amy. We miss him dearly. I do hope you enjoy this - we're big hummus fans here and this one was a hit!
Lori Hart
Tuesday 12th of August 2014
Congratulations!! Your hummus recipe has been featured at Tickle My Tastebuds on my blog, Lori’s Culinary Creations. Hop on over and grab a feature button and link up your latest culinary creations. Congrats again
Michelle Nahom
Monday 1st of September 2014
Oh Lori, I am so sorry for my very late reply! I have been traveling this month and have been a little out of the linkup loop! I so appreciate the feature and I will be by to link up again! My apologies!
Sunday 10th of August 2014
Hi Michelle, Love your vivid pictures of the produce and food. This sounds like a very healthy and tasty dip. Thanks for sharing on Real Food Fridays Blog Hop. WIll twitt.
Michelle Nahom
Monday 1st of September 2014
Thank you so much, and my apologies for my late reply! I appreciate the tweet. We were traveling a lot this month and I've been a bit behind the eight ball. I am hoping to get back on track this week and next and I will be back for Real Food Fridays!