This week I am pairing up for #AskAwayFriday with one of my blogging besties, Tamara from Tamara (Like) Camera. If you’ve ever been to Tamara’s blog, you know she is a master of storytelling and tells her stories through her amazing photography. Naturally, I asked her for some tips as I am always looking to improve my own photography skills.
Last year I was lucky enough to meet her in person, when she and Ilene and Steph came over for lunch (and most of the rest of the day too although Steph had to leave a little early). We had tons of fun, but Des was the star.
Chances are if you know Tamara, she comments on your blog. She’s very generous with her comments. I actually asked her how she does it, because it is clear to me she is a blogging comment ninja. After you read this, head over to Tamara’s place to find out what kind of hard hitting questions I asked her (besides photography tips and the blogging comment ninja one).
1. We both love Jodi Picoult, I was so happy to recently discover! What is your favorite book of hers and why? And have you ever met a favorite author or artist, singer, actor?
It’s hard to pick one book! In fact, I just went in to look at all of them in the bookcase, and now I am feeling the need to re-read them all. What a stack that will be on the nightstand. My Sister’s Keeper of course comes to mind because it was made into a movie. I loved the book and hated the movie. I couldn’t believe they changed the ending and had the wrong sister die. I wonder how much it affected the box office. People in the theater were grumbling the whole way out.
I have never met anyone famous. Adam Sandler filmed a movie (at least part of it) right in our downtown. Winona Ryder was here too. Didn’t see either one of them though…I kind of steered clear when it was all going on.
2. I think I saw this on Rabia’s blog from her Ask Away with Lanaya and made a mental note to ask you it – You are the contestant on Jeopardy? What categories would you like to see and dominate?
I don’t think I would be a very good game show contestant. My daughter is constantly trying to play “name that song” with me. I am terrible at it. The only ones I get are songs from the eighties. Really, I’m that pathetic. As far as trivia goes, I could probably name what spice goes with which ethnic foods. Do you think they have a category like that?
3. Do you have any exciting (or even just weekend/sports/whatever) travel plans coming up this spring/summer?
I am traveling to Virginia with my daughter in a couple weeks for a soccer tournament…does that count? We don’t have plans for spring break, because my kids have different spring breaks. Schedules are always off when you have kids in both private and public schools.
This summer we’re going to the Jersey shore to celebrate my aunt’s 80th birthday with my cousins. That should be a lot of fun. My parents are flying out as well. My aunt is the best! I lived with her for two summers in college. We’ve actually been to the Jersey shore a couple of times, including once when I panicked because my family was in the water with an unknown creature with a fin.
4. I want to see one of your favorite sports photos (settings would be awesome, if possible) and tell me how you took it and maybe a story about it. What happened that day or that moment? What was going through your mind as you took it, etc.?
With my kids’ sports, unless it’s a big game, I’m not really thinking about a lot. These are their stories, not mine…I’m just documenting for them. It’s actually kind of relaxing to follow the action behind a camera lens, versus watching. Sometimes parents on the sideline get a little obnoxious, and this is a way to remove me from that.
5. How did you settle upon your blog name? Did it take a long time? Brainstorming sessions? Or did you know right away, etc.?
It was the one name I came up with that stuck. My husband didn’t really like it. He felt like everyone would expect it to be a recipe blog. But I couldn’t stop get it out of my head, so here we are. What do you think? Does it fit?
6. Do you have any recurring dreams? I have ones that I’m at a college final but I didn’t show up for the class all semester, or that my teeth are falling out.
I haven’t had a recurring dream in a while, but when the kids were younger, I frequently had dreams where one of them was about to be hit by a car, and I would wake up in a complete panic. It was awful.
When I was a kid, I would have this weird dream about being in Snoopy’s dressing room. The strange thing about that is I was never really a big Snoopy fan. It turns out though, that my husband was. Strange coincidence? Maybe I was destined to marry a Snoopy fan?
7. If you got a shopping spree for camera lenses only, what are your top three lens picks? And if there’s only one or two, that’s fine too!
I would really like the newest Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II. I have the older version and it is broken. *very sad face* It fell out of a camera bag I thought was closed, onto a concrete floor. I need to send it in for repair…and cross my fingers.
I’d also really like to own a Lensbaby…such cool effects! I have a Composer Pro on my Wish List board on Pinterest, but I’d be happy with any (or all) of them!
If you want to see what else I’d like to have, or have but really love, check out my Pinterest board.
Follow A Dish of Daily Life / Michelle Nahom’s board Photographers Wish List on Pinterest.
8. What’s your process or schedule for checking social media throughout the day?
Since most of the time I have it scheduled out ahead of time, I should just leave it alone and check it a couple times a day. If I haven’t scheduled and am tweeting as I go along on blog commenting, then I am on it too much that day because I get caught up in whatever is going on. I especially love Twitter, but Google + and Pinterest are fast becoming my two other favorites.
9. What movies have you watched over and over again?
I am addicted to sports movies. I have seen Remember the Titans, Miracle, Coach Carter, A League of Their Own and The Blind Side more times than I could count. I never get tired of them. Give me an inspirational sports movie and I am all set for the evening.
10. Do you have any fears or phobias?
Phobias…hmmm…does OCD count? I revealed that a while back on the blog but I don’t talk about it much. It’s gotten better over time, but it’s really annoying. I check things. My new trick is to take a picture of something when I am really stressed out so I can see that it’s off or locked or closed. Mostly I do it with the fireplace when I leave the house.
If you want to check the other posts out, or join in the fun at #AskAwayFriday, head over to visit the hosts and co-hosts of this fun “get to know you” blog link up.
Penny from the Real Housewife of Caroline County
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee – Love Life & Laughter
Amber from Bold Fab Mom
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
catherine gacad
Sunday 16th of March 2014
the movie 'my sister's keeper' has been on my list to watch, but you said you hated now i don't want to watch it. but what's funny is that i hated the ending to the book (big head scratcher for me), so i think, maybe i'll like the movie?
Thursday 13th of March 2014
Great to read your answers! I will have to check out Tamera Camera. Sounds like someone I would like :) I have that same canon lens on my wish list too, maybe someday!
Stacey Gannett (This Momma's Ramblings)
Wednesday 12th of March 2014
Such an awesome swap, ladies! The Blind Side was a really great movie, and so was A League of Their Own, but I love Tom Hanks. I definitely think the title fits! As for Jeopardy, about the only time I ever do any good is teen week or celebrity week! LOL! I used to work at a tv station that aired the show, so I had to watch it every day. Hope you have a great week, Michelle!
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 12th of March 2014
Stacey, I don't think I'd even do well with teen week or celebrity week! I just can't think that quickly. I'd always be a half a step behind. LOL
Tuesday 11th of March 2014
I think your blog name suits you well! It's pretty well rounded around here & after all you do drop a recipe onus every now and then !
On that dream thing, I always have one where I keep skipping this one class in college & get close to the end of semester and am frightened that I won't graduate but in the dream, I'm aware that I've finished pharmacy school. I always feel so anxious in the dream & wake up like...oh, that again, ugh!
Michelle Nahom
Wednesday 12th of March 2014
It's funny how we have recurring dreams...I do wonder what they mean!
Angela Gilmore
Monday 10th of March 2014
I definitely think the blog title fits, and honestly you post enough recipes to satisfy those who think it's a food blog. Your graphic really helps sell the name as well, and whenever I think of your blog title I think of the graphic.
Michelle Nahom
Monday 10th of March 2014
Well the recipes are new for me, now that I am feeling a little more comfortable with food photography. And I like the name, so I am keeping it! :) I'm glad so many think it fits though!