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On the Menu: Brussels Sprouts

You may have noticed that I didn’t post a Menu Monday post this week.  Because Thanksgiving is this week and we had a lot going on, I decided that we would clean out the freezer and eat some of our pre-made meals that we made ahead.

We are going to be eating Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws, after running the 3rd Annual Don Hassiak Turkey Trot.  My in-laws love to cook, and although I offered to make something, they had it all covered!  Lucky me I know!  However, I really do want to make something (!) so I am sharing with you my contribution to the meal.  It’s not a recipe I have tried before, but I am putting my faith in my cousin Rachel and this side dish recipe from her blog Studio Cuisine, which I love reading.  She’s creative and cooks nutritiously.  Check out her blog…if you like to cook, or just need some new ideas, I think you will find her inspiring!

Carmelized Brussels Sprouts + Red Onion with Pomegranate

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